Wednesday, April 13, 2016

This Happened (For Real, You Guys)

So Drummer Boy is coming over later.

He said he was going to drum for a little while (DUH), then get something to eat, then come over.

I messaged him and said I was going to take a shower and put on my jammies before he arrived.


So...We are adults, you know?

We've been, um, intimate.

We've spent nights together and awoken in the same bed.

He's seen me, literally and figuratively, at my most unadorned and unmade and - let's face it - ugly.

Yet I had a freaking near-breakdown when I realized I had informed my boyfriend that I was going to be sans makeup and supportive undergarments when he arrived at my home.

You guys, I am totally a feminist. I believe that all women who believe they're beautiful are, in fact, beautiful.

Except when it comes to, you know, me.



Oh, you guys.

Drummer Boy is here. He's eating a sandwich.

I just said to him, "I'm not wearing any makeup."

And he answered:

"Neither am I."


I wish you all a millionth of what I've found with this man. Seriously.

I'm in love. I hope each of you can say the same.

<3 p="">


  1. Lol I don't even know him and I love him. He sounds absolutely wonderful, and you deserve nothing less.

  2. Lol I don't even know him and I love him. He sounds absolutely wonderful, and you deserve nothing less.

  3. I knew he was a fantastic guy. I just hope he also made his own sandwich. Or at least made one for you too.


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