Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy VD from AD

 I don't have much to say today.

It's probably better that way.

But Valentine's Day is coming up soon. And I have even less to say about that.

Still, if you have a sweetheart, and you want to express your feelings in a way that is unique, adorable, and geeky as hell, I found this comic from Bird and Moon. Share it with someone you love who is also unique, adorable, and geeky as hell, should you be so fortunate as to have such a person.

Remember, I love you all. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Searching My Couch Cushions in 3...2...1

 Just a short announcement, you guys.

I'm applying for a mortgage.

This is not a drill.

I'm really, really scared. And nervous. The little voice in my head that likes to screw with me keeps telling me that probably I won't even get approved. Probably the mortgage guy I'm working with will laugh politely and tell me to come back when my piggy bank is full. 

Even the pig is laughing.

But I'm doing it anyway. Because apartment life is getting to be a drag. Because I'd like to stop shoveling every raise I get straight into spiraling rent. And of course, because I'd like to take on a debt that is several times my annual salary. 

They always say "Never eat anything bigger than your head." But it seems to me that a mortgage is precisely the financial equivalent of swallowing a watermelon whole. And while no one is encouraging people to do that (at least no one in my social circle, but maybe I don't get out enough), everyone thinks buying a home is a swell idea.

And I agree...I guess?

So. If I can manage to convince some bank somewhere that I'm both solvent and sane enough to trust with its money, I'm going to do this.

Watch this space for my (hopefully hilarious) adventures in house hunting.