Monday, January 25, 2016

My Baby, He Bought Me a Blender

I have a really wonderful boyfriend.

He's male, he's blonde. They're like twins. Really.
I'm pretty sure that my wonderful boyfriend has never given me flowers.

And that's totally OK.

Want to know what my sweet Drummer Boy brought me yesterday?

An immersion blender.

You have to understand a couple of things right here.

First: I have wanted an immersion blender for a long time. Because I want to make smooth, creamy soups, gravies, and, like, ganaches and smoothies and shit.

Second: I haven't bought myself an immersion blender because I've been occupied with other purchases. Like saucepans, and lamps. Glamour purchases, mainly.

Third: Drummer Boy knows all of this.

So he showed up at my place with an immersion blender.

And not just an immersion blender, but the exact one I've been eyeing for a while now.

Now I can make soup.

Thanks to Drummer Boy.

Should I be holding out for diamonds or bouquets of roses?

Or bouquets of diamonds?

Nope. I should be holding out for the guy who knows what I want, even if it's not diamonds.

And you should, too, you guys.

Imma make soup.

Well-blended soup.

Immersion is love. <3 p="">


  1. My immersion blender isn't nearly that nice - I had a nice one we got as a wedding present, but I killed it trying to emulsify a frozen banana. So I use the non-fancy one Matt had before we got married. I LOVE my immersion blender. Better than flowers. Fer sher!

  2. It's the little things that mean the most. My favourite gift from The Hubster is either Stars-Red Wings tickets in 1998 for Valentine's Day (I'm a transplant from Ohio- I grew up near Detroit), or a coffee table book. TJ Scott's "In the Tub". Look it up. You can thank me later ;)

  3. Flowers die... Blenders live longer (basically forever, but I can break anythung). As long as it is thoughtful, that's all that matters.

  4. Flowers die... Blenders live longer (basically forever, but I can break anythung). As long as it is thoughtful, that's all that matters.

  5. There's an old saying that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

    I'm just saying that gift may be slightly self-serving.
    And I'm not saying that's a bad thing.

  6. I don't cook but my husband does and he has an immersion blender and EVERY time he uses it, I get to hear about how wonderful it is - so yes, enjoy your blender. Diamonds and flowers have their place BUT an unexpected, completely thoughtful gift like this can trump the other gifts.


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