Monday, November 18, 2013

Think Before You Ink

So you might know that I'm thinking about getting a tattoo.

All the cool guys like a lady with ink.
Naturally, I'm going about my deliberations in a logical and practical manner.

So I went to Toys R Us and bought a package of temporary tattoos of little baby animals.

How. I. Roll.

I chose a sleek, classy, and realistic image of a Siamese cat to apply to my arm.

In honor of my fat, dumb, silly Siamese kitten.
Except that my Toys R Us temporary tattoo looks nothing like that.

I'm told it looks like a vaccination scar surrounded by flowers.

I think it's gangsta, but apparently I'm in the minority.
It's there until it wears off. Personally I like it. I think others of my acquaintance are glad the weather has turned cool so that I'm wearing long sleeves.

Still, it's a serious contender for my final, permanent tattoo.

Mostly because Precocious Daughter already vetoed the baby orangutan.

She's not down with my swag. I think that's a thing.

1 comment:

  1. "Vaccination scar surrounded by flowers" just made my day! Thank you.


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