Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I like to dress up my Bug for holidays.

Not to this extent. I mean, I WISH.
But today I bought some bony little friends to liven up my beloved Tic Tac.

They're kind of clingy, but they're cool.
They were a dollar, you guys. Two angry dancing gel-cling skeletons for a dollar? I love this country.

So I showed them to one of my co-workers, the Labrat. I said, "Look - angry skeletons. But they're dancing, so it's OK."

And he said, "How do you know they're dancing and not running after you Scooby-Doo style?"

Well, great, Labrat. I can't unsee that.

That is awesome.

So if you see a perky luna-green Beetle tooling around the Dallas Metroplex sporting some bitching running skeleton-dudes straight out of a Hanna-Barbera cartoon...you've seen me.

You can't unsee that.

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