Monday, February 6, 2012

A Helpful Flowchart

Everybody has to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

If you're Catholic, and you're not actually in the process of receiving Last Rites, here's yours.
I may need to become a Buddhist.

Hey, here's a Buddhist joke:

What did the Buddhist say to the hot-dog vendor?

"Make me one with everything."

This chart probably works for Jews, too. I don't think Protestants feel guilt - they rely on work ethic and God's grace to get them up in the morning, I guess. Republicans wake up when the sun rises on a new day to blame the world's problems on President Obama. And apparently Eli Manning wakes up when he smells someone about to hand him the keys to a new Corvette.

It's one of those Mondays, people. Hope yours is happy, happy, happy.

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