Friday, April 6, 2018

Irony and Ecstasy

My week in a nutshell:

Today was the annual Health & Safety Day at my IRL job. There were videos and testimonials and activities...and free lunch, which obviously was the biggest draw. Because free lunch.

There was also safety-related swag, some of which accidentally got tossed into the dumpster before the event (because that's how we roll). But a dumpster-diving expedition resulted in retrieving a few items, including some actually very cool safety glasses with the company logo on them.

As I was opening the box they came in, I sliced my hand open.

Health & Safety for the win.

Anyway, my birthday is Monday. The big 5-0. I'm taking a vacation day, obviously.

Expect a series of semi-indulgent blog posts over the next three days about this milestone.

That is all.


  1. Bloppy Thirdbay in advance! If this site permitted enoticons I would send you all the monkey emojis I have.

  2. You don’t look a day over forty. Oh, wait, that’s the Energizer Bunny. You don’t look a day over thirty. I hope you need Monday to recover from a weekend of painting the town purple.

  3. So did you get your birthday tetanus shot? You sure know how to celebrate!


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