Sunday, August 2, 2015

Washer Women for the Win

Today, as one of the final intensive house cleans before it goes up for sale this week, Precocious Daughter and I cleaned the approximately 700 square feet of white tile floor that makes up the majority of our living/kitchen area.

White floor tile sucks, you guys.

I'd rather have this. It gets less dirty.
PDaughter and I spent three hours on our hands and knees, with sponges and brushes and buckets of bleach, scrubbing the floors clean.

Scrubbing, then rinsing with clean water, then drying with towels to prevent streaks.

That fucking floor was filthy.

And now it's sparkly-clean and sanitized.

So many latex gloves sacrificed their lives today.
At one point we ran out of bleach, so we went to the corner drugstore to buy more. On the way, I told PDaughter, "This is good practice for when you're a housewife."

And then we laughed and laughed.

But she did indicate that she wanted to learn to cook. And we agreed that she should find a recipe she wanted to make, and we would buy the ingredients and make it together.

Housewife, lol.

Go ahead and give me shit for impugning housewives.
I dare you.
Then we bought bleach and went back home and scrubbed the floors some more.


But the house is sparkly-clean and smells like Clorox Clean Linen bleach.

My daughter is a hard worker with a great attitude. I can't believe I gave birth to her. I can't believe we're going to be roommates.

On Tuesday the photographer comes to shoot the house.

It will be clean, bitches.

I love my PDaughter.

I love life.


  1. Find all the foods she's liked that you've cooked and out them into a notebook. Handwrite it if you can, just so she'll have not only the recipes to remember you by, but your written word as well :)

  2. Find all the foods she's liked that you've cooked and out them into a notebook. Handwrite it if you can, just so she'll have not only the recipes to remember you by, but your written word as well :)

  3. If she wants something simple that sounds really impressive try the Eggs Benedict recipe from an old (ca.1960) Betty Crocker cookbook. The hardest part is the Hollandaise sauce (three egg yolks, one stick or eight ounces of butter), but the trick is to let the first four ounces of butter melt completely and stir for at least one minute before adding the second four ounces of butter.

    Timing the poached eggs so they're done at the same time as the sauce can also be tricky. I'd invest in an egg poacher, but I only make it once a year. Yeah. I cook. My wife and I have an agreement: when she cooks I wash dishes. When I cook I wash dish...wait a minute...

  4. The nice thing about tasks like cleaning tiles is that you can see how much progress you've made and know when you're done. That doesn't sound like much, but it's so much more satisfying than most things in life.

  5. I took a Mental Health Day from work today and stayed home and cleaned my house. True story. That's how badly it needed cleaning. But it is rewarding when you're done.


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