Sunday, April 12, 2015

My Admiration Just Edges Out My Envy (A Book Review)

OK, so one of my fellow bloggers and best-friends-I've-never-met, Michelle from "Rubber Shoes in Hell," is featured in a new book called I Still Just Want to Pee Alone. It's a collection of essays from a group of very talented writers who fall loosely into the category of "mommy bloggers."

Gotta love a book with a toilet
on the cover.

Aside: I don't consider myself a mommy blogger. First of all, I don't consider motherhood to be a competition of who is having the hardest/easiest/most hilarious child-rearing experience. Secondly, I win that goddamn competition hands down, so I stay out of the fray.

Anyway, Michelle is much, much more than a mommy blogger, but she writes hilariously and touchingly about raising her kids. And she honored me beyond all reckoning by sending me a copy of the book. It arrived yesterday. I may have squealed when I opened my mailbox.

Also, this.
I'm so thrilled that Michelle thought enough of me to share this with me. I went straight to her essay on page 169, which is called "The Last Time We Did One, Two, Three."

It's wonderful.

What I really love about her writing - apart from the fact that it's drop-dead funny and makes liberal use of the f-word - is that she has a true gift for picking unique perspectives and details that turn the most mundane incidents of everyday life into delicious little word-nuggets.

Did I mention she's funny as hell?

Her contribution to the book is funny, as well as poignant and sweet. I'm insanely jealous of her. Bitch.

Check out I Still Just Want to Pee Alone.  You can order it here. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but so far every chapter I've read has made me laugh. I can't wait to finish the whole thing.

Probably yours won't be personally autographed by Michelle, like mine is.

Maybe if you stalk her, the way I do, she'll sign a copy for you.

Thank you, honey. You and all the bloggers in the book absolutely freaking rock.


  1. As much as I also love Michelle's blog it's the title of the book that really sold me. I work in a library and in addition to getting my own personal copy I love being able to send through a purchase request for a title with the word "pee" in it.

  2. Thank you thank you thank you!! I appreciate this so much, sister!


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