Monday, February 16, 2015

Stuff I Learned Today

Today was a holiday for me. President's Day, I know, right? Hey, for a three-day weekend, I'll tattoo Abe Lincoln on one cheek and George Washington on the other.

Or maybe just this across both.
It was a cold, wet, dreary day. And it didn't go totally according to plan. But in the end everything was (is) good.

I learned three things today. Any day you can learn three things has to be a good day. Here's what I learned:

1. I used to think it was sad when I saw couples in restaurants not speaking to each other. But now I understand that a comfortable silence says more than an empty conversation.

2. Precocious Daughter knows the words to a lot more ABBA songs than I gave her credit for.

3. Cats can have nervous breakdowns.

Knowledge is power. I don't really understand the practical application of any of these gleanings, but I'll trust that one day they'll save my life or salvage a dull party conversation.

One day closer to enlightenment, baby.

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