Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just My Type

I'm quite frustrated. Blogger won't let me upload photos to the post I was writing for tonight.

So who needs images?

We've got TEXT.

(IMPORTANT: I am not taking credit for any of these! I found them at http://www.chris.com/ascii/)

(ALSO IMPORTANT: These all rendered fine on my computer screen. YMMV. Which would be about par for the course tonight. Go look at Cheezburger if you want cool pictures.)

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  1. I'd rather eat a cheeseburger, which as far as I know is actually stuffed with beef. Whatever.

  2. These would bring back memories of dialing up local BBSes, but none of them are pictures of breasts. Not that I'm complaining. They're more impressive than any ASCII pictures that ever came up on my old monochrome monitor. And if I wanted pictures of breasts I'm sure they exist somewhere in the internet.

  3. Oh wow...my head is swimming with the effort that would take.


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