Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Great Googly-Moogly

Nah, that's not today's swear, although I do love it.

Believe it or not, this is merely an average Googly-Moogly.

Today's G-word is...

Not only is it swearing, it's breaking a Commandment. So there's that.

When I was in high school, I loved R.E.M.'s song "Pretty Persuasion." One of the reasons was that it had the word "goddamn" in it. I loved the way it sounded. So powerfully angsty. Which was what it was all about when you were a music-loving outcast in the 80s.

Goddamn, Michael Stipe was once a human male!

See also: godammit, goldurnit, goshdarnit.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so hard right now! How did I not notice that you linked up with the A-Z of swearing?! Slap me with a twizzler and call me Betty...

    Goddamn seems to be a popular one. Although Starr seems to have an obsession with goat-fuckers, so there's that. I'm so ashamed that I've slacked off so hard on this one so far! Maybe my award post will be a tribute to all of the days that I missed...
    Yes, I think I like that. I'll call it "Chock full 'o' profanity because I'm a slacker" or something. Maybe not. Crap. I've got some reading and catching up to do!


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