This leads some people to conclude I am a liberal.
Also, I am not left-handed. Oh, wait, I am. |
I mean, left. I mean, as you're looking at it, it's left, but it's right. Right? Skip it. |
Not even if I'm sober. |
Here we go.
Kenneth Cooper: Pass a statewide smoke-free workplace law
Kenneth Cooper, MD is the father of jogging and aerobics. Yes, there actually is a single person to blame for Jane Fonda workout videos and people wearing track suits as if they were real clothing. Dr. Cooper is an unrepentant health nut who, at the age of 81, is still going strong right here in Dallas. And in a recent column for the Dallas Morning News, he supported the idea of a state law prohibiting smoking in any private or public workplace. Even though numerous employer- and city-specific policies already exist, a statewide ban is necessary, he argues, because significant portions of Texas remain
Please understand that Dr. Cooper's opinions come from a public health perspective. I don't know what his politics are - in fact, I couldn't find a single piece about him in which he stopped babbling about cholesterol and treadmills long enough to discuss his political views. But the belief that government can and should act as an arbiter of people's choices is a classically liberal view: Businesses and individuals can't be trusted to make decisions that benefit the greater good, so the state should legislate those decisions.
Let's all say it together: Smoking is bad. Cigarettes are full of cancer-causing tar and chemicals and produce second-hand smoke that puts bystanders at risk, and many of the costs of smoking-related ailments end up being borne by taxpayers.
Vaping, on the other hand, is awesome, and not just because Johnny Depp does it and anything he does is hotter than butane. |
I would just as soon see cigarettes banned everywhere. Cigarettes, the physical product, not smoking, the human behavior. But that's not going to happen. Ever. Why?
Here's one reason.
Contributions to state legislatures by tobacco companies over 21 years. I know it's hard to read, so see the data from here. |
Source: Also read their fact sheet "Tobacco Tax Increases Are a Reliable Source of Substantial New State Revenue." I couldn't have said it better myself. |
Some of those balls belong to so-called liberals. And until they retrieve them, I don't want to hear any left-wing claptrap about "safeguarding our children" or "my right to clean air."
More Americans Believe Obama is Muslim Than in Theory of Evolution
A recent Gallup poll, titled "In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins," found that...uh, well, 46% of Americans hold Creationist views of human origins. Gallup gets points for straightforward poll titling. In a nutshell, those 46% said they believed God had created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years, which is the traditional Christian, Bible-based view of things. At the other end of the spectrum, 15% said they believed humans had evolved over millions of years and that there was no deity involved in the process. Finally, 32% of respondents believed that humans had evolved over millions of years, but that the entity they call God had guided the process in some form.
Interestingly, the poll found almost no difference among self-identified Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who believed in the evolution-guided-by-God theory: about one-third of each group held that belief. Full disclosure: This Independent also favors the Darwin-with-a-shot-of-God approach to life on Earth. Because I'm not taking any chances. What if it turns out we're all worm meat, but God is a worm?
Gallup put together a nice, unbiased little poll. It took snarky, hipper-than-thou website to conflate Gallup's results with those of a poll by the Public Religion Research Institute, which found that 16% of Americans continue to believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Then they did a little fancy math - equating evolution-plus-God proponents with strict Creationists - and boom! Enlightened science is outgunned by religious nutjobs who see secret Muslims in the White House and (probably) Jesus on their French toast.
Blasphemous to eat, but not to sell on eBay. |
I respect the right of anyone to believe in God, or not to believe in God. I just want you to stay out of my face with it. That goes for conservative Bible-thumpers who want to know if I've "met" Jesus yet (like, in the express checkout line?), and it goes for rabid secularists who can't be comfortable with their own skepticism unless I share it (please look up "integrity" before I beat you to death).
Yeah, it's a little ridiculous (to me) that nearly half of Americans think the story of Genesis is literally true. But who cares? I'm not voting the God vs. Darwin issue. I'm not voting the gay vs. straight issue. I'm not voting the Closet Muslim vs. Christless Mormon issue. Those are fringe issues. I'm going to the center, where the real problems facing this country live.
Join me. I'll be serving Jesus toast and electronic cigarettes.
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