Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Home Sweet Home

Precocious Daughter is home for Thanksgiving week.

We're having ham, friend. Truce?
She's never more than 30 minutes from me when she's "away" at school, and she visits at least once a week, so it's not as if this is a major homecoming. But it does mark roughly three months that I've been living mostly on my own. And it's nice to have a break from that.

It's nice to hear someone else moving around, you know? 

Other than the Siamese Kitten. At least PDaughter doesn't zoom back and forth in the middle of the night.

Is that why they do it?
It's nice to have a well-stocked fridge. She actually eats 2-3 meals a day - I've kind of gotten out of that habit, honestly.

It's nice to listen to her talk and laugh and make goofy sounds (she gets the random-goofy-sound gene from me, but I when I'm by myself, I mostly just stay silent).

It's just nice to have her around.

On Thursday we'll make Thanksgiving dinner - not a huge production, but all the basics. And after we've eaten, she'll pack up the leftovers and take them to her dad. Yes, I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for my ex. 

Not even the weirdest thing to happen since we split.

It's all good.

On Friday, PDaughter and I are going to see a performance of The Nutcracker. And Saturday is her birthday. She'll be 19 - the last of her teenage years, and probably the last year I can consider her in any way a child.

And on Sunday, she'll go back to her dorm to finish her first semester of college.

Time flies, doesn't it?

American Drunkards...what are your plans for Thanksgiving week?


  1. Heading to the 3rd Annual Blended Family Thanksgiving in Atlanta.

    Then it'll practically be Christmas.

  2. Wow, coming up on the end of her first semester already. I feel like I've missed some posts or something. I do remember the countdown to departure, though...

    Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time together this week!

  3. Enjoy your time with PD! We also have a college student staying with us this weekend--once I succeed in picking him up from campus.... (waiting in the dorm lobby as I type)


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