I posted here last night.
Possibly I'd had a few drinks.
I deleted the post this morning.
I felt embarrassed by it.
But then...loyal Drunkard and hook-nosed camel-fucker Bill the Butcher said he liked it.
So I'm going to repost it here.
I've been writing poetry since I was a kid.
This is one random verse I made in high school that has stuck in my mind.
Thank you, Bill, for your kind words.
You and I may be the only people on the planet who appreciate this.
That's OK.
It keeps me going, you know?
Tonight, I'm going to reproduce a poem that I honest to goodness wrote in high school. It was...1983? 1984? One of those. From memory.
Just for the hell of it.
Although, like many poems, I feel it stands the test of time.
P.S. If you're a fan of the Who, you may recognize the cadence/rhythm of "Athena" in my youthful verse.
I Saw You
I saw you
Dancing on an ice rink in a daydream.
But when it cracked
My conscience wouldn't let me scream.
I felt it more than saw it when you went down.
I let you drown.
I heard you
Sighing like a singing bird in Amsterdam.
I couldn't help remembering
How the song began.
I smashed my bedroom window and you flew away.
Should I have let you stay?
I chased you
You never turned around to see me standing there,
Encased in a crystal room
While glass flew everywhere.
You should have seen me smile when you took your last bow.
And you're gone now.
I hate you
You threw your life away and let them bleed you.
And now I'd lie
Before I'd say I need you.
You'd have seen what was in my eyes if you'd tried harder.
If I'd been smarter.
And now you understand why I work in an office and am not a professional poet.
Next time I'll write a real post. <3
That is definitely not something to be ashamed of. I assume you're not a professional poet because there are no professional poets anymore. Many poets have done their best work with day jobs.