Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Post on December 24th

Merry Christmas, you guys.

From where I sit, it's Christmas Eve. It's a big deal, even for non-Christians like me, because even heathens enjoy the holidays.

George Bailey is the reason for the season, you guys. Totally.

I still haven't finished shopping. I haven't even begun wrapping. I'm not sure what I'll be doing on Christmas Day, as Precocious Daughter will be with her dad and I haven't yet heard from my sister.

It's not that I mind spending Christmas Day on my own.

I just need to know that no one is expecting me, so I can spend the day in my jammies drinking vodka, you know?

I like that kind of stability.

I'll post again on Christmas.

In the meantime....I love you all.

In keeping with the season.

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