Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Wish I Had a Lazy Eye. Mine Is Far Too Busy.

Regular readers know that I have Texas-size allergies that every once in a while cause my eyes to swell shut for a couple of days. If you don't know that, you can read about it here.

My ocular role models.
Well, tonight my right eye is threatening to puff up. And I just know that if it does, the left eye will follow suit. The left eye is such a follower. I think it has self-esteem issues.

Maybe it just needs a hug.
Anyone want to hug my eyeball?
So I've taken a Benadryl to keep my eyes from going full-on-janky. The Benadryl will put me out pretty soon, because that's what it does. With luck, I'll wake up tomorrow with a relatively normal face. Which is all I can ever hope for.

But this is all the post you get tonight, because eyeballs.

Tomorrow I'll tell the tale of how I verbally abused a meth-head. Sort of. And for a very good reason.

Assuming I can see tomorrow.

If not, you can call me the Texas Blind Salamander.
So I'll see you guys later.

See what I did there?

I can't stop making bad sight jokes, you see.

Look, I need to stop.

I think the Benadryl is kicking in.

1 comment:

  1. I just started allergy shots. Not the most fun thing (imagine the neuropathic bee-stinging pain in your upper arms all evening after the shot) but I'm told that there is an 80% chance that the allergies will go away. So I guess it's worth it.... If my eyes were swelling shut I probably wouldn't have put it off as long as I did! Feel better!


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