Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm in the Wrong Business

I found this picture on Shutterstock:

The name of this image is (really) "Stock Photo [of] Long Haired Dachshund Wearing Eyepatch Lying Beside Skull."

I want to change careers.

I want one of the following jobs:

1. Deciding the world needs a stock photo of a long haired dachshund wearing an eyepatch lying beside a skull.

2. Taking stock photos of long haired dachshunds wearing eyepatches lying beside skulls.

3. Naming stock photos of long haired dachshunds wearing eyepatches lying beside skulls "Stock Photo [of] Long Haired Dachshund Wearing Eyepatch Lying Beside Skull."

If anyone has a in with one of these careers, let me know where to send my resume. P.S. I have my own skull and eyepatch.


  1. I'll give you this career, but I want the one where you get to name colors. Like, who at Lands' End decides from year to year what to call yellow. Is it Daffodil? Buttercup? Sunsplash?

    And don't get me started on cosmetic companies...

  2. Am I reading this right? Are you telling me that that's NOT Johnny Depp up there? *shit* I need glasses more than I thought.


You're thinking it, you may as well type it. The only comments you'll regret are the ones you don't leave. Also, replies to threads make puppies grow big and strong.