Thursday, August 16, 2012

Songs of Me

I found this nifty website called Six Songs of Me, which you should visit because it's a great idea and illustrates the universal power of music.

Which, lest we forget, hath charms.

Basically, the fine folks behind the site ask you to submit a list of songs that are important to you in each of six categories. Thousands of people have done it, and you can browse their lists and also see how many people have chosen any given song (spoiler alert: Beatles songs tend to get mentioned more often than, say, Social Distortion tunes).

I'm going to submit my list today, and I thought I'd share them here, too. You should submit yours, and also share them here or on my Facebook page. Because I love to know what makes my Drunkards tick, and also because I may get some killer mixtape tracks out of it. I know, no one calls them mixtapes any more. You kids get off my lawn.

Also, why don't phones have dial tones any more?
Grumble grumble.
But I digress.

Support the Six Songs of Me project. I'm not connected to it in any way, by the by. I just like cool Internet stuff. And music. And thinking about my own funeral. Yeah.

Six Songs of Me

What was the first song you ever bought?
"Heartbreaker" by Pat Benatar. It may not have been the very first, but it was close.

What song always gets you dancing?
"I Was Made for Lovin' You" by Kiss. If you own the Wii game "Just Dance 2," you'll understand.

What song takes you back to your childhood?
"Kodachrome" by Paul Simon. Hearing the word "crap" on the radio always made me giggle.

What is your perfect love song?
"I Will" by the Beatles.

What song would you want at your funeral?
"Can't Find My Way Home" by Blind Faith. Or maybe "It's the End of World As We Know It" by R.E.M.

Song that makes you, you.
"Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan.

Your turn.


  1. I'll take that challenge!
    Unfortunately, almost all of my song picks will change tomorrow.

  2. Better late than never:

    Six Songs of BekS

    What was the first song you ever bought?
    "I Think We're Alone Now"
    by Tiffany

    What song always gets you dancing?
    "Cupid Shuffle"
    by Cupid

    What song takes you back to your childhood?
    "Amarillo By Morning"
    by George Strait

    What is your perfect love song?
    "Without You"
    by Mötley Crüe

    What song would you want at your funeral?
    "A Moment Of Forever "
    by Kris Kristofferson

    Song that makes you, you.
    "Carry On"
    by Pat Green


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