I've decided on the menu for my hypothetical last meal. In case I ever wind up on death row or in a Lifetime disease-of-the-week movie or something.
Since I'm taking the time to write this down, I expect my wishes to be followed. To the letter. You know who you are, people responsible for this.
For the record, I have not killed anyone, and I do not have any TV-worthy fatal disease. Not as far as I know, in both cases. I'm just being forward-thinking, plus I have nothing more compelling and/or productive to do at the moment. And I just had some really good pizza for lunch.
So here goes:
A massive spinach salad with sunflower seeds, slivered almonds, mandarin oranges, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing
A big honking extra-large New York-style cheese pizza
A 12-pack of Coke Zero
A big old bottle of Stoli Vanil
A box of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls
My tastes are simple, as you can see. That's another reason I expect this meal to show up without a hitch at the appropriate time. And if it doesn't, I'm not going. Take that as a warning.
P.S. You could probably substitute a tub of chocolate-chip cookie dough for the Swiss Rolls in a pinch, though.
Swiss Cake Rolls are awesome. I'm also a huge fan of Fudge Rounds and Oatmeal Creme Pies.