The Childhood Book Nostalgia Project

The Childhood Book Nostalgia Project is my personal quest to rediscover the books that had a profound effect on me when I was growing up.  Wherever possible, I'd like to acquire physical copies of the books - same edition, same cover, same illustrations - although I'm finding that's not always an easy task.  So far I've borrowed library copies, bought them in used bookstores, even found them reproduced online.  It's the reading that matters more than the owning.  Still, my ultimate goal is to create a library of these books for myself and my daughter to enjoy.

What I like about this project, besides immersing myself in some wonderful stories that I haven't read in years or decades, is that the list of titles I'm looking for is as individual as a fingerprint.  Everyone who loves to read has a list like this; yours may look a little like mine, or it may be completely different.  It all depends on when and where you grew up, how much you read, which subjects interested you, and frankly how good your memory is nowadays. 

I'm sharing my discoveries as I make them, and I hope they'll inspire you to try to find the books that shaped you.  Information about any of the titles I mention is always welcome!  And if you're trying to remember a book you loved as a kid, maybe I can help.  Contact me at

Enjoy the posts, and enjoy the journey!